General Program Questions

When does the 2025-26 program begin and end?

The twenty-third BTR Cohort will begin the Teacher Residency in July 2025, and graduate in June 2026. The master’s degree component of BTR takes one year, but BTR is a four-year commitment; BTR continues to provide graduates with formal support and professional development for their first three years of teaching in the BPS.

What is a Resident’s schedule like?

The 12-month preparation component of BTR runs July through June, encompassing one summer component and one full school year.
Summer schedule: Graduate coursework, Monday-Friday, generally 9am-4pm
School year schedule: Residents are school-based Monday through Thursday all day. The content methods courses are one evening per week for 3 hours. From 9am-4pm on Fridays, Residents attend their graduate courses.

BTR observes all BPS holidays, and Residents are not in schools or taking graduate courses during those times.

How does BTR help graduates obtain teaching positions with the Boston Public Schools after the program?

BTR has a full-time Director of Alumni Relations and Placement who facilitates the placement process for all Residents, starting at the beginning of the residency year. In addition, BTR partners closely with the BPS Office of Human Capital to ensure that each cohort of Residents matches the district’s projected hiring needs. During the Residency year, BTR works with principals and recruiters to facilitate the hiring process, and BPS hosts several hiring fairs during the year.

What kinds of people does BTR seek for the program? Am I a good match?

BTR seeks to enroll a diverse and talented cohort of educators who have strong potential to be successful in a rigorous graduate program for teacher preparation and as educators for the students and families of Boston.  We look for people who:

Have strong academic background and show a record of achievement/improvement, including evidence of content knowledge, writing skills, and critical thinking skills
Show a commitment to teaching as a career path, to youth, to community, and to the BTR mission
Have high expectations for students and themselves, and appropriate/realistic expectations for education
Exhibit a learning stance and approach this work with humility, are adaptive and eager learners who understand that receiving and implementing feedback are critical to professional growth

View our Disability Accommodation Policy.

Does BTR place Residents in all grade levels and subject areas?

BTR places Residents in grades 1 through 12:
Computer Science – Secondary (6-12)
Elementary (grades 1-5)
English – Secondary (6-12)
Math – Secondary (6-12)
Science – Biology (9-12), Chemistry (9-12), General Science (6-8), or Physics (9-12)

At which schools are Residents placed?

Residents are placed in a BPE Teaching Academy or one of our partner BPS schools.

Must I commit to teaching in the Boston Public Schools? For how long?

BTR expects all residents to commit to teaching in the BPS for at least three years after graduation from the residency. While the formal commitment is only three years, BTR does intend for most of its graduates to stay in teaching and take on leadership roles in the BPS for many years beyond the first three. As our graduate pool grows, BTR is building a powerful movement for change within the BPS and the larger education reform community. For more information on how the three-year teaching commitment is tied to the BTR program fee waiver, please see the section on Financial Questions.

What is BTR’s mentorship model?

BTR’s mentorship model is based upon the belief that residents best learn to teach by doing the work of teaching together with experienced, effective teachers. Mentors and residents regularly engage in a cycle of inquiry and improvement focused on student learning.  Together, they discuss their students’ progress and areas of growth, plan what to do next, implement their plans in the classroom, and then collect data to assess their effectiveness – and start the cycle again. Residents serve as members of teams in schools in which the team – rather than one individual—provides a collaborative mentoring environment. All members of the school community come together around a common set of instructional principles and practices, which then provide the foundation and framework for Residents’ learning.

From which institution do Residents receive their master’s degree? Who teaches the courses?

Residents earn a master’s degree in education from the University of Massachusetts Boston’s College of Education and Human Development. While UMass grants the degree, BTR hires its own faculty and designs courses tailored to becoming a highly effective teacher in Boston. BTR courses and seminars are taught by experts from schools, universities, and local community agencies who have demonstrated expertise in bridging theory and practice. Courses are currently held at the BTR office or one of the host schools (not on the UMass Boston Campus). However, as BTR Residents are enrolled as graduate students at UMass, they have full access to the library, computer labs, gym, the Ross Center for Disability Services, the writing and health centers, and all other university privileges and services.

Where are graduate classes held?

Most BTR courses are held at one of our Teaching Academies or at the BPE office.

Is it possible to obtain a Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) endorsement through BTR?

Yes. The SEI endorsement is a key part of the state initiative called Rethinking Equity and Teaching for English Language Learners (RETELL), to close proficiency gaps for ELL students. The SEI endorsement is a criterion for licensure for all applicants for an initial license as a core academic teacher. All BTR residents will enroll in a required RETELL course and will receive SEI endorsement at the same time as the Initial licensure endorsement if all course requirements have been met.

Can I be endorsed for Initial licensure if I have not passed SEI/RETELL requirements?

No. BTR Residents will not be able to receive Initial licensure endorsement if they have not met all requirements for SEI endorsement. Therefore, they will be ineligible to graduate until they have met such requirements and will either receive an incomplete in this course and their practicum or will be exited from the program if they cannot meet such requirements during the program year.

Does BTR provide housing?

BTR does not provide housing, although our extensive network of Residents and graduates is available for advice on housing and transportation questions.

Are applicants required to take the MTEL before applying to BTR?

BTR encourages applicants to take and submit a score report for the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) subject test that corresponds to their appropriate content area of interest, but this is not required to apply.

Applicants must also report any previous MTEL scores (the online application provides more detailed instructions on where to submit MTEL scores).

Application Questions

What are the minimum qualifications to apply?

To be eligible to apply for the 2025-26 program year, an applicant must a) be a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident, and b) hold or expect to hold a bachelor’s degree before the start of the program.

How do prospective applicants access the 2025-26 program year application?

To start the application, applicants may first complete the contact info form. Shortly after submitting the form, you will be redirected to the BTR Cohort 23 application. BTR recommends that applicants bookmark this link so that they can easily access the online application.

What is the BTR Admissions Process?

All applicants must first submit a complete online application by the appropriate application deadline, including unofficial transcripts.

Two recommendations must also be submitted by recommenders by the deadline for applications to be considered complete and under review. The day after the deadline passes, candidates who submit a complete application will receive further instructions on how to register for virtual content assessments. Applications are then reviewed by a committee and selected finalists will receive an invitation to attend a virtual Selection Day. The Selection Day process takes place during a regular school day and consists of a set of activities, including group problem-solving, a mini-lesson, and individual interviews.  Selection Days are also opportunities for candidates to “try on” for a day what it might be like to be a resident/teacher and to engage with students, teachers, and staff.  Decision letters are sent within two weeks following Selection Day. Please note: Content Assessments and Selection Day are required components of the BTR Admissions Process and if invited, finalists must interview at Selection Day in order to be considered for acceptance to the program.

What is the application timeline for the 2025-26 program?

Although the final deadline for the 2025-26 admissions season has passed, we are still reviewing applications on a rolling basis while space is available in the program. We encourage interested candidates to apply as soon as possible. We will contact candidates who have completed an application with the next steps.

If interested in applying for BTR or learning more, please complete this brief contact info form.

After each application deadline, applicants who have submitted a completed application complete virtual content assessments. The content assessments are designed to highlight applicants’ content knowledge in their selected program of interest. Assessments are based both on what students in the grade levels you’ve applied to teach are expected to know, as well as what we expect teachers of that grade/content to know or know how to do. You are encouraged to refer to the Boston Public Schools (BPS) curriculum standards and while the test is not in the same format as the MTEL, you might consider reviewing practice/sample tests to prepare and/or other teacher licensure tests in order to prepare in advance. Please note: the content assessment is only one factor of evidence of content knowledge considered. 

What are the required components of the BTR application?

1. A complete BTR online application
2. Scanned, electronic copies of transcripts [official or unofficial] from all post-secondary institutions from which the applicant earned academic credit, including degree, non-degree and transfer uploaded into our online application portal.*
3. Applicants must secure two recommendations from professional or academic references submitted directly by the references through the BTR online system.

*Instructions on how to complete and submit the BTR online application, upload transcripts, send invitations to references to complete the online recommendation form and other details are available via the online application portal. Please log in for more specific details and instructions.

Are the Priority and following deadlines for application to the same program?

Yes. All admissions cycles are for admission to the 2025-26 program, which begins in July 2025.

Please note: Because we are selecting a limited number of residents for the 2025-26 program year, we strongly encourage you to apply to the priority deadline.

Can I apply to BTR if I already have an initial teaching license in Massachusetts?


What is the process for applying to UMass Boston?

To earn a master’s degree in education as part of the BTR program, residents must apply to UMass Boston in addition to applying to BTR. Accepted applicants who choose to enroll in BTR must follow the instructions laid out by BTR and submit an application, an application fee, a tuition deposit, and official transcripts to UMass. Enrolled residents who do not complete the UMass Boston admissions process on time will not be eligible for summer financial aid or course registration.

Are there benefits to applying early?

We encourage all applicants to apply early. Because we are selecting a limited number of residents for the 2025-26 program year, we strongly encourage you to apply to the priority deadline.

How strict are BTR’s application deadlines? Do all transcripts need to be in by the deadline?

Due to the small size of the BTR Admissions team, and the number of applications submitted and processed during each application cycle, BTR is strict about the deadlines. Applications will not be considered complete unless all transcripts are uploaded.

Whom should applicants ask for recommendations?

The recommendations should be from individuals who know you well, who can speak to your capacity to excel in a rigorous graduate program, your potential to become an effective educator, and your ability to participate in a collaborative and professional adult learning community. We ask that you use your best judgment in selecting two individuals who are appropriate references, such as professors, supervisors, and people who have observed you in academic and/or professional settings. We discourage applicants from asking family members or friends to submit recommendations.

How do I submit my transcripts to BTR?

All applicants must scan copies of their transcripts [official or unofficial] and upload them directly to our online system. BTR requires that applicants provide electronic transcripts for all postsecondary credit-bearing coursework, including undergraduate, graduate, study abroad, transfer, and non-degree courses. Please ensure all transcript(s) include both course name and grade received. Please note, only unofficial transcript(s) are required at the time of application. Applicants who have trouble uploading their transcripts can email  Please note that official, sealed transcripts will be required from applicants who are accepted and choose to enroll in BTR.

When will I need to send paper copies of my official transcripts to BTR?

If you receive an offer of admission, you will be required to provide official copies of any transcript uploaded to your application upon enrolling in the program. Your offer of admission will be contingent upon the receipt and verification of your official final transcript(s), confirming the award date of your degree(s). Note: Boston Teacher Residency reserves the right to rescind any offer of admission if discrepancies between unofficial and official transcript(s) are found. In addition, applicants who are accepted and enrolled in BTR must submit official transcripts to UMass Boston Graduate Admissions when applying to UMass Boston.

Are there any specific admissions requirements for international applicants who are eligible to apply to BTR?

For information on eligibility, please click here. BTR requires that applicants who completed their undergraduate education outside of the United States send us official transcripts of the applicant’s complete academic record, including courses and grades, with English translations on each page validated by an official public translator. Evidence that the applicant has completed a university-level degree program must be submitted. Acceptable evidence includes official copies of diplomas, certificates, and notifications of final examination results. International applicants (who have not completed an accredited undergraduate or graduate degree in an English-speaking institution) are required to take either the TOEFL or the IELTS

Does BTR accept applications from people who have applied in the past?


How does BTR assess content knowledge?

BTR believes that strong teacher candidates should come to the program with strong content knowledge in the subject/grade they would like to teach—our program does not provide preparation in content knowledge and expects residents to start the program already having demonstrated a rigorous command of the academic content.  Content knowledge can be demonstrated in a variety or combination of different ways, such as pursuing a content as a major/minor/graduate course of study, having completed substantial related coursework, passing the relevant MTEL subject tests, and/or having significant other relevant experience related to the content.

In addition, after each application deadline, applicants who have submitted a completed application complete virtual content assessments. The content assessments are designed to highlight applicants’ content knowledge in their selected program of interest. Assessments are based both on what students in the grade levels you’ve applied to teach are expected to know, as well as what we expect teachers of that grade/content to know or know how to do. You are encouraged to refer to the Boston Public Schools (BPS) curriculum standards and while the test is not in the same format as the MTEL, you might consider reviewing practice/sample tests to prepare and/or other teacher licensure tests in order to prepare in advance. Please note: the content assessment is only one factor of evidence of content knowledge considered. 

Financial Questions

How does the BTR program fee waiver work?

BTR residents commit to teaching in BPS for three years after graduation; as a financial incentive, BTR waives the $10,000 program cost for graduates who successfully complete this commitment. Important note: BTR program fees are separate from UMass Boston degree costs.

For each of the three years of teaching completed, one-third of the $10K program cost is waived. Only graduates who do not complete the teaching commitment are billed for program fees—BTR does not ask for an upfront payment from residents.

How much is the stipend?

During the 2024-25 program year, each Resident and corps member receives a stipend of $20,000 conditional on full-time service (1700 hours). The stipend is paid semi-monthly on the 15th and final day of the month in equal installments. The stipend is subject to federal, state, and (if any) local taxes. The total amount of the stipend may change from year to year.

Typically, AmeriCorps funding covers a stipend (currently $20,000 in 2024-25), an individual insurance plan, and the Segal Education Award (currently $7,395 toward costs at a qualified institution of higher education). Every three years, AmeriCorps Programs re-apply for funding. BPE is in the process of applying for funding for the 2025-26 program and hopes to secure the same package as in previous years.

What is the cost of the master’s degree from UMass Boston?

BTR has negotiated a discounted rate for tuition, which, as of now, is $600 per course for all residents, regardless of in-state or out-of-state residency. BTR coursework is the equivalent of 11 graduate courses at UMass Boston. Each resident’s total tuition is: $600/course x 10 courses = $6,000 + 1 Practicum Course @$1200 = total tuition at $7200. As enrolled graduate students, Residents may apply for student loans, which can cover the cost of tuition, and which can later be paid back in part using the AmeriCorps Education Award (currently $7,395 for the 2024-25 program year) received at the end of the Residency year.

Typically, AmeriCorps funding covers the Segal Education Award (currently $7,395 toward costs at a qualified institution of higher education). Every three years, AmeriCorps Programs re-apply for funding. BPE is in the process of applying for funding for the 2025-26 program and hopes to secure the same package as in previous years.

How do most people manage their finances during the Residency year?

As enrolled graduate students at UMass Boston, Residents are eligible to apply for student loans and loan deferment through the University. Many Residents choose to supplement their monthly stipend and cover the costs to UMass Boston and other living costs by applying for student loans; they then use the $7,395 (amount for program year 2024-25) AmeriCorps Education Award to pay back a portion of their federal student loans. Click here to download forms and access information on applying for student loans from Financial Aid Services at UMass Boston.

Residents in high-need areas may also be eligible for the TEACH Grant.

Typically, AmeriCorps funding covers the Segal Education Award (currently $7,395 toward costs at a qualified institution of higher education). Every three years, AmeriCorps Programs re-apply for funding. BPE is in the process of applying for funding for the 2025-26 program and hopes to secure the same package as in previous years.

Does BTR offer health insurance? Where can I find more information?

As part of the AmeriCorps benefits, BTR offers an individual health insurance plan through Corps Network.

What makes BTR an affordable route to teaching?

BTR’s financial structure is intended to provide an affordable, high-quality pathway into teaching. Residents receive a stipend and health benefits, which can be supplemented with student loans. Upon graduation, eligible Residents receive an Education Award, which can cover up to $7,395 (amount for program year 2024-25) in qualified graduate student loans. In addition, BTR provides a financial incentive for graduates who complete their 3-year teaching commitment in the Boston Public Schools. Graduates take advantage of the opportunity to “pay back” through service rather than dollars—one-third of the $10K BTR program cost is waived after each year of teaching in the BPS. Compare the total cost of BTR to that of other teacher training programs at higher education institutions and BTR is significantly less expensive—and provides all residents with financial support throughout the year.

Typically, AmeriCorps funding covers the Segal Education Award (currently $7,395 toward costs at a qualified institution of higher education). Every three years, AmeriCorps Programs re-apply for funding. BPE is in the process of applying for funding for the 2025-26 program and hopes to secure the same package as in previous years.

Important note: BTR program fees are separate from UMass Boston degree costs.

Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) and Other Licensure Questions

Are applicants required to take the MTEL before applying to BTR?

BTR strongly recommends that candidates take the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) tests that correspond to their appropriate content area of interest. However, it is not required to apply or be admitted to the program.

Applicants must also report any previous MTEL scores (the online application provides more detailed instructions on where to submit MTEL scores).

Which MTEL tests are required for licensure?

ALL teacher candidates are required to take the Communications and Literacy Skills Test, a two-part Reading and Writing test that is offered electronically via computer-based testing on a regular basis. In addition, there is a required subject test that corresponds to the grade/content you’d like to teach (e.g., ELA, Math, Chemistry, etc.) and which is either offered during the afternoon component of most paper-based test dates, or electronically via computer-based testing. Please note: Elementary candidates are not expected to take Foundations of Reading before joining BTR.

Where and when are MTEL exams offered?

Computer-based testing is available at more than 225 Pearson Professional Centers throughout the United States and its territories (e.g., Puerto Rico), as well as at over 30 international test centers, including Canada and Mexico.

Refer to the Pearson VUE website at for up-to-date information about computer-based test centers, including test center addresses, real-time seat availability, and locations of test centers outside of Massachusetts.

I’m registering to take the MTEL. Can I have a score report sent directly to Boston Teacher Residency?

When registering, under “Additional Colleges, Universities or Alternative Preparation Organizations to Receive Results,” select the Boston Teacher Residency Program (BTR). Additionally, request that a PDF of your score report be emailed to you.

Where can I find test preparation resources?

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education offers resources to help you prepare for the MTEL. Click here for more information.

AmeriCorps Questions

What is AmeriCorps?

AmeriCorps is a U.S. federal government program created by the National and Community Service Trust Act in 1993. Each year, AmeriCorps offers opportunities for adults of all ages and backgrounds to serve through a network of partnerships with local and national nonprofit groups. AmeriCorps is an opportunity to make a big difference in your life and in the lives of those around you. It’s a chance to apply your skills and ideals toward helping others and meeting critical needs in the community.

AmeriCorps is a division of the Corporation for National and Community Service, which is split into three main divisions, including AmeriCorps State and National, VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), and NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps). Approximately 75,000 individuals join AmeriCorps annually, totaling more than 1 million past and present members since 1994.

For more information, please visit

Is BTR an AmeriCorps Program?

Boston Teacher Residency and Dudley Promise Corps are currently proud AmeriCorps programs. BTR residents and DPC corps members complete a year of service to Boston Public Schools during the program year, and participate as members in the larger AmeriCorps service network.

Typically, AmeriCorps funding covers a stipend (currently $20,000 in 2024-25), an individual health insurance plan, and the Segal Education Award (currently $7,395 toward costs at a qualified institution of higher education). Every three years, AmeriCorps Programs re-apply for funding. BPE is in the process of applying for funding for the 2025-26 program and hopes to secure the same package as in previous years.

Can I join AmeriCorps if I’m not a U.S. citizen?

To be an AmeriCorps member, you must be a U.S. citizen, national, or legal permanent resident alien.

Is there financial support available through AmeriCorps?

For many AmeriCorps programs, members receive a modest living allowance. You may not save much money during your year of service, but most members find the living allowance to be adequate to cover their needs. AmeriCorps members who complete a term of service also receive an Eli Segal Education Award.  Please see the section on Financial Questions for more details.

AmeriCorps funding covers a stipend (currently $20,000 pre-tax for 2024-25), an individual health insurance plan, and the Segal Education Award ($7,395 for 2024-25) to be used toward costs at a qualified institution of higher education.

Typically, AmeriCorps funding covers a stipend (currently $20,000 in 2024-25), an individual health insurance plan, and the Segal Education Award (currently $7,395 toward costs at a qualified institution of higher education). Every three years, AmeriCorps Programs re-apply for funding. BPE is in the process of applying for funding for the 2025-26 program and hopes to secure the same package as in previous years.

Can I defer student loans during my service with AmeriCorps?

You may qualify for postponement, or forbearance, of the repayment of your loans during your service. The education award will help you pay off qualified student loans when you’re finished or can be used for future educational expenses. Contact your lender for more specific information or to confirm your loan status during AmeriCorps service.

Are there any loan forgiveness programs or repayment plans that I might qualify for as an AmeriCorps member?

In 2007 the College Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007 (“CCRAA”) was signed into law. In addition to other amendments to the Higher Education Act of 1965, the CCRAA created two new federal programs: a new Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and a new Income-Based Repayment plan (IBR) for the repayment of federal loans. The new Income-Based Repayment plan helps to make repaying education loans more affordable for low-income borrowers, such as AmeriCorps members living on a stipend; AmeriCorps service is also recognized as equivalent to a public service position for the purposes of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.

Is AmeriCorps status or funding guaranteed?

Typically, AmeriCorps funding covers a stipend (currently $20,000 in 2024-25), an individual health insurance plan, and the Segal Education Award (currently $7,395 toward costs at a qualified institution of higher education). Every three years, AmeriCorps Programs re-apply for funding. BPE is in the process of applying for funding for the 2025-26 program and hopes to secure the same package as in previous years.